Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Finding Tattoo Artists in Your Community

Once you have made the decision to get a tattoo, the first step is to make a selection amongst the many tattoo artists. This is vital – tattoo artists really are artists (most take great pride in their technique, and show it off at tattoo conventions), and artistic vision is an individual thing. You have to make sure that the tattoo artist you select is one whose work you really love – after all, you will, in all likelihood, be living with this artwork for the rest of your life!

This is, of course, especially important if you have a custom tattoo design in mind. All tattoo shops (sometimes called tattoo parlors) have catalogs of tattoo designs you can choose from. There are also free tattoo designs available from a variety of internet sources. If you want to choose from these designs, your choice of tattoo artists is somewhat less important – any competent professional will probably be able to reproduce a set design, though individual areas of expertise do vary.
For a really personal tattoo, you may be looking for a tattoo artist to design it for you. Some people come on with a picture or piece of art that they would like to base their tattoo on, and it’s up to the artist to adapt it. Sometimes people come in with just an idea in mind and a tattoo artist develops the design.
If you want this degree of service, it is very important to choose the right artist. A good place to start is to attend a tattoo convention or visit various tattoo shops, and ask to see photos of the artists’ previous work. Some tattoo studios display photos prominently, but sometimes you will have to ask. Don’t be shy – most tattoo artists are glad to show off their work.
Most tattoo studios go out of their way to make clients feel comfortable, and professionals will not be offended by questions regarding sterilization techniques and other safety concerns. Really good tattoo artists will be willing to work with you to make sure you get the tattoo you really want. Especially if it’s your first tattoo, most tattoo artists will explain the process and give you tips and instructions for aftercare.
Most tattoo studios are very professional, and won’t give you any cause to feel uncomfortable. If you do, though, then it’s time to move on and look for a different place. Think of the time you invest in looking for the right hairdresser, and consider this: a haircut will grow out in three or four months, but a tattoo is forever!

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